Music to spark a better life for older adults and preschoolers

Posts tagged ‘Garden’

Flower Power Songs

A poster with twelve species of flowers or clu...

Image via Wikipedia

Since “April showers bring May flowers” I am working on a newsletter full of flower songs and other flower fun. (Besides, so many music therapist have been blogging on flower songs, I thought it was time to add my thoughts.) Our weather has finally improved enough I can spend a little time trying to plant and weed. Gardening helps me clear my thoughts though at times it gets my allergies activated. And, I love playing my guitar in the shade on a warm day.

Back to the newsletter. So far, the list of songs for adults is overflowing. I am still looking for original children’s flower songs though I have remembered several from my childhood. I have found lots of children’s flower books. Adults will  even find a list of movie involving gardens. A  flower meditation in the works.

I invite you to share your inspirations on flower songs. You are also invited to join the newsletter list so you get all the details. If it takes me a little while to respond, know that I may just be out in the garden for a little R & R!

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